Wednesday, October 29, 2014

If Only...

There's a lot of thing that we wanted to be born with in real life and didn't really appreciate what we already have. I'm just a human, I have that kind of feeling too.

I wish I can trade out mostly anything that I think that are worthless without giving a second glance of what they've been contributed to my life.

I wish to have a fair and flawless skin, shiny and wonderful teeth, handsome face, nice body, great proportion and all those model-like attractions.

Without knowing that I've had the best of the best gift to be proud of. The talents that can't be bought with monies. Talents that is for the chosen ones. I neglected that when someone out there is dreaming and wishing to have these talents.

I believe these are the characteristics that I am born with and people might get envy over:

1. I can draw very well.
2. I am a fast learner.
3. I pick up things better than most humans.
4. I've high metabolism rate; no matter how much I ate, I don't gain weight.
5. I am taller than the average Malaysian man; never satisfied tho.
6. I am pretty funny, humorous and sensible.
7. I'm socially attractive.
8. Academically good.

I think that's all I can think off right now. Not to be proud of these things but I need to remember them to strengthen my self confidence and not to wish for things that are way unimportant in life.

Peace out! ✌

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bucket List

  1. Travel the world
    South Korea
  2. Bungee jump
  3. Skydive
  4. Fixed job at 25-y-o
  5. Own an exotic pet
  6. Buy a house
  7. Have an adopted child
  8. Scuba dive
  9. Meet and do stuffs with elephants
  10. Para-sail
  11. Go on a cruise
  12. Plan a holiday with family
  13. Learn at least one more language beside Malay, English
  14. Big reunion party with Shinrui Enja
  15. Snap photos with (a) lion/s
  16. Live through 4 seasons consecutively
  17. Be a volunteer for an event
  18. Camp with best-friends
  19. Try on at least 10 different rides in a fun park on one visit
  20. Dance in front of at least 100 strangers/people
  21. Snap a photo while hugging an orangutan
  22. Go fishing
  23. Build a snowman
  24. Create a piece of art, and sell it
  25. Take 1,000 autographs from different people
  26. Charter a yacht
  27. Graffiti on a wall with my name!
  28. Photo shoot
  29. Shoot a photo - cross-dressing
  30. Slumber party with best-friends
  31. Camp on a beach
  32. Snap a photo underwater
  33. Charter a van, with best-friends, play music out loud, take a long journey
  34. Take photos in front of every Malaysia states' landmarks
  35. Try yoga
  36. Open a cafe
  37. Climb the Kinabalu mountain
  38. No sleep for at least 48-hours (2 days)
  39. Draw free portraits to strangers
  40. Give out 'Thanks for being a good human.' cards to 100 strangers
  41. Be a vegan for a week
  42. Achieve an ideal B.M.I
  43. Paintball
  44. Crustacean feast!!!~