Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bucket List

  1. Travel the world
    South Korea
  2. Bungee jump
  3. Skydive
  4. Fixed job at 25-y-o
  5. Own an exotic pet
  6. Buy a house
  7. Have an adopted child
  8. Scuba dive
  9. Meet and do stuffs with elephants
  10. Para-sail
  11. Go on a cruise
  12. Plan a holiday with family
  13. Learn at least one more language beside Malay, English
  14. Big reunion party with Shinrui Enja
  15. Snap photos with (a) lion/s
  16. Live through 4 seasons consecutively
  17. Be a volunteer for an event
  18. Camp with best-friends
  19. Try on at least 10 different rides in a fun park on one visit
  20. Dance in front of at least 100 strangers/people
  21. Snap a photo while hugging an orangutan
  22. Go fishing
  23. Build a snowman
  24. Create a piece of art, and sell it
  25. Take 1,000 autographs from different people
  26. Charter a yacht
  27. Graffiti on a wall with my name!
  28. Photo shoot
  29. Shoot a photo - cross-dressing
  30. Slumber party with best-friends
  31. Camp on a beach
  32. Snap a photo underwater
  33. Charter a van, with best-friends, play music out loud, take a long journey
  34. Take photos in front of every Malaysia states' landmarks
  35. Try yoga
  36. Open a cafe
  37. Climb the Kinabalu mountain
  38. No sleep for at least 48-hours (2 days)
  39. Draw free portraits to strangers
  40. Give out 'Thanks for being a good human.' cards to 100 strangers
  41. Be a vegan for a week
  42. Achieve an ideal B.M.I
  43. Paintball
  44. Crustacean feast!!!~


  1. xdop pn solat 5 waktu sebagai orang islam

    1. sebab tu mmg wajib so kalu tak list pun mmg keno buat. *peace*
